Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pomegranate Tea

Yet again I'm wasting the day away under my favorite blanket, in front of my TV and/or laptop...I really wish I had the energy to do anything remotely productive. But, alas, I'm still feeling pretty under the weather, although lightyears better than first thing this morning. I've got miso soup and tea running through my veins.

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It drizzled here for about three seconds before the sun decided it wanted to show its face again. The pseudo-rain got me all excited, I wish we would finally start having a legitimate autumn. I always feel bad, though, when I complain about the sunshiney Southern-California weather. I know that if and when I relocate to Portland I'll miss the sun. I just wish we'd experience some variety. Oh well, no use whining about something I can't change...

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Tomorrow I'll return to school and be forced to interact with people I'd rather not have anything to do with...oh, the joys of high school.

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